About Pierre

My name is Pierre but my mum calls me Pierre Bear. I think it's because I'm so big and fearless. My sister Violet says it's only because it rhymes. So I started calling her Violet Toilet. hahahah

I was born in 2012 in a place called Taiwan. My Mamma Cat had gotten lost from her home in a storm and she had my two sisters and I outside on a roof! We were all so lucky to have been rescued by the Animal Rescue Team Taiwan. I was then adopted by my family in Canada. I live in a tall building in Surrey, British Columbia which is very close to Vancouver. We have big mountains and lots of beaches.

I have four members in my family. My mum who looks after me and sometimes gives me yucky medicine if I need it.  My sister Violet who is very pretty but a little bit bossy but she loves me. And my most favorite is my Dad. Us boys have to stick together! I can't wait for him to come home at night so I can sit on his lap and watch tv together. We like sports the best. Violet says hockey is stupid but she's a girl.

My favorite things are running up and down the hall as fast as I can so I can keep in peak condition. I love to play with my toys, especially when I can get Violet to play with me. She pretends she doesn't like it but she just can't help herself.

I love to eat. I've decided I don't like my at food cold out of the fridge so I sit in the kitchen and MEOW as loud as I can until my mum puts it in the microwave for me for 10 seconds. Then it's all warm and extra yummy. 

And the most important thing to know about me is I love to MEOW as loud as I can whenever I have something to say and I have a lot to say. Mum says I'm noisy but she wouldn't trade me for anything.